• 4401 Fletcher Street, Wayne, Michigan 48184

Enhanced Reporting Capabilities

Coming soon to our platform: Enhanced reporting features designed for unmatched ease of use and accessibility. Soon, you’ll be able to instantly access and understand the data you need without resetting searches — your top five searches and reporting schedules will be automated and customizable. Plus, all reports will be exportable, ensuring you have the information you need, when you need it, in a format that works for you. Stay tuned for these exciting updates!

Operational Insights

Coming soon: Our new dashboards will provide instant visibility from a yard perspective, enabling efficient planning for staffing and logistics. Senior-level teams will benefit from the ability to grasp a high-level overview of operations quickly without the need for deep data dives. These dashboards are currently in development, promising a streamlined, at-a-glance understanding of what’s happening in your yard. Stay tuned for more details!

Do you have ideas for how our product could be improved? Drop us a line.